Monday, March 1, 2010

Number Practice with Batman

If Ryan is given a choice, he almost always chooses reading and spelling activities over math activities. To try and make number games more appealing to him I made a set of Batman Number Cards. I bought a $2 pack of Batman Confetti and glued pieces onto large index cards, wrote numbers and 'laminated' them in evil-evil contact paper.

Here are just a few ways that we enjoy our new Batman Number Cards:

  • I wrote in orange so that Ryan can trace the numbers using a dry erase or overhead transparency marker. 
  • Hide and Seek Numbers- Ryan loves to hide the number cards while we cook dinner. Then we hunt for them and work together to put them in order to see which cards are still missing.
  • I give Ryan a small set of numbers such as 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 and ask him what number is missing. He has to put them in order and see what's missing.
  • We lay them all out and then do silly things like: make the twenty jump up and down, or I hold up a number and ask him to clap that many times. These are fun ways to make sure that he's able to identify the numbers. (When we're out and about I point out numbers a lot, like on signs or price tags)
Check out our earlier activities with number cards here

What else could we do with our Batman Number Cards?


  1. I love the title of your post! Great job! 1st time visiting your blog! :) I am inviting you to come visit me back! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. If you make duplcates of 0-10 you coud use the cards and manpulatives to introduce the concept of adding!

  3. You could find a Bat symbol or "Bat power" (as my kids would say) and put those on another index card to match to the card.
    My kids are total Batman fans at our house too.

  4. Great idea! Ok so another idea is...lay all of the cards out on the table in a straight line. Then, collect small objects to represent the smallest number on your card. Let's say it is 20...Have Ryan collect 20 small objects like cheerios and put them in a ziplock bag. Talk about how there are 20 cheerios in the bag. Then, ask him how many more do you need to add to the bag to have 21 cheerios in the bag. Repeat with all of the numbers on your cards 22, 23, 24... Explain that you only need to keep adding one more cheerio to the bag to get to the next number. When finished eat all of the cheerios!

  5. Thanks for the suggestions! We'll have to try them all.
    I'm glad you found the blog Nicole. I became a fan of your site also.

  6. Those number cards are great, and I like all the suggestions. I especially liked "find what's missing" part.

  7. We are all girls over here BUT my husband would love to have these to practice with the girls. I am sure he is tired of butterflies and pinkness!
    :) Thanks for sharing

  8. Great idea! My son loves Batman too !
