Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Math- Counting

What kid wouldn't love a counting game with clothespins? I made this counting wheel with a different number of star stickers in each section. Ryan's job is to count the number of stars then find and attach the clothespin with the matching number on it. Since I would like to work on larger numbers, next time I would make larger sections so that it's easier to count when there are more stickers.

**I forgot to add that I put tally marks on the back so that I didn't have to count the stars to check it. You could write the number to make it self correcting, if that works for your little one.

Ella loves trying this by having her own wheel and clothespins. Of course she can't count, but trying to use the clothespins is great for her fine motor skills!

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I'm going to make my own this weekend. It's so simple, but seems like it would be really effective.
